This year was by far the best Halloween, because this year was our first Halloween as a family of four! I just LOVE Halloween and I love shopping for costumes. This year I was such a slacker and didn't buy the boys costumes until last week. I just didn't know what to get, I always wanted to have two kids so that I could have a theme, like Batman and Robin, or some characters from Star Wars. I couldn't make up my mind or find anything in the sizes I need. So after weeks of surfing the web, I went with a monkey for Dylan and boxer for Diego. Dylan was such the perfect baby during trick or treating. He just sat in the stroller quiet as a mouse, and let anyone hold him. Diego of course was as stubborn as can be. I had to force him into his costume, and he still refused to wear his boxing gloves, most of the night he only wanted to be held. Finally we did convince to walk and he had so much afterwards. We did our traditional trick or treating with Aunt's Amy, Prieta, and Christy and all of the cousins. It was really a fun night and yeah we were a little over prepared clothing wise, but I totally expected it to be much colder than it was. That's Texas for ya.

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