I have decided it’s time for Diego to transition to his “BIG BOY’’ bed. This is easier said than done. We bought Diego a Step 2 Fire Engine bed way back in January or February. The plan was to move Diego into his “BIG BOY” bed way before Dylan came along and eventually Dylan would take over the crib. I had read to make any changes either before the new baby came along, or wait a few months once the baby arrived so as not to completely traumatize your first born. Well that never happened, Diego’s bed was still in a box when my water broke. Heck we hadn’t even finished unpacking all of our boxes from our move. Well 6 months later, Daddy finally put the bed together, only after I threatened I was going to go buy Dylan a NEW crib and bedding. Being the cheapskate saver that he is, he just put the bed together, and it took a whopping 10 minutes. The bed requires no physical assertion, it snaps together, so why on earth it took me 6 months of nagging before he put it together is beyond me. After months of planning, I decided I did not want to go with Fire Truck theme, instead I just bought a Cars/Trucks bedding at Target. Who else is going to care that the bed is a Fire Truck besides me, nobody, not even Diego cares. So his room is still a work in progress, with the limited space on my hands, and his toys still in his room and Diego still actually sleeping in his crib, I have a long way to go. First thing to check off my list is getting him to sleep in his new bed and not the crib.
Here are couple of things I did find that I just love, hopefully once we get everything situated, or another words when I finish school and I have alot more time on my hands I can finish his room and a bunch of other things on my list.
I just loved this bedding when I saw it
The bed, and Dylan relaxing.

It even has a little siren that lights up
I found these at Hobby Lobby and I had to buy them. So I guess I’m going for a vintage look, if that what it’s called
We even went to the Downtown Mini Mall on the Square, to look for vintage cars. Of course Jesus thought it was a bunch of junk and was ready to get out of there. The cars I did find were ridiculously expensive so I went this one that I found at Hobby Lobby. I need to get a few more.

This sign I did buy at the Downtown Mini Mall. The guy who makes them has a lot of vintage/retro street signs/automotive signs. I’m planning to buy a few more and putting all the signs on one wall.
The thumb tacks are only there so I could take the picture of it, eventually Daddy will get around to properly attaching it to the wall. I also bought this table at Target, I haven’t decided if it matches all that well, but against the Fire Truck nothing does. Since the crib and dresser are natural wood I think it will go for now, if not I can always paint it. I even bought a lamp shade and base that I found on clearance for $5 that I plan to paint and change the fabric on the shade to match the room. It will get done in time, so for now it will do.
I guess I forgot to take the tag off before I took a picture of it. Oh well, eventually I will get to that too.