Ok, so am I seriously telling you my Baby D is ll months old? Time has certainly flown! My precious boy is such a beautiful, cuddly little pumpkin. He is the best little brother and such a Daddys' Boy. He is as sweet as can be, and we can always count on him to be well behaved at the grocery store at a restaurant. He is so observant and fascinated by all the people and sounds he doesn't even make a peep, well sometimes. This month Dylan also had his first surgery. Nothing major, just tubes in his ears due to his frequent ear infections. He was absolutely the most snuggly I have ever seen him that day. He let every nurse hold him and cuddle with him. When the anesthesiologist came for him, I handed him over and he rested his little head on his shoulder and snuggled. Dr. H was guite impressed. His surgery went great, thanks to all my coworkers for taking great care of him!
Dylan is such a happy well behaved baby. He loves his brother and his toys. Dylan has developed quite a talent, dancing. He enjoys dancing, any chance he gets he's swinging from side to side or hopping up and down. He loves singing and clapping along to music and watching Nick Jr with Diego. Bath time has come to be one of his favorite play times. The kid seriously stands up and splashes around and makes a giant water filled mess.
walks around. He tries to pull himself up when he is crawling without holding onto something but hasn't quited figured out how yet. Dylan holds my hands and walks but is scared to venture out alone, but I do think he will be walking in no time.
Dylan we love you so much! I can't wait to celebrate you First Birthday in a couple of weeks.
Stay tuned for birthday planning posts and of course the big day!

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