Every year since Diego was born we have taken a little trip to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch. I just love the pumpkin patch! I love all the cute little cut outs, the pumpkins, the hay bales, everything about it. This year was Dylan’s very first time to the pumpkin patch, and I was so pumped, I knew I was going to get the perfect pictures of him sitting up like a big boy. I pretty much knew I would not get any pics of Diego since he is so anti-pictures. We didn’t go to our usual pumpkin patch, instead we went to Pumpkin Express in Argyle. It was such the cutest place, and they had a miniature railroad that travels along the whole property. Diego of course loved the train ride. I was kinda upset about not being to take Dylan’s first pumpkin patch inside the same pumpkin as Diego for his first pumpkin patch, and they did not have as much cut-outs for pictures like our usual spot. They do have a lot of neat little things and Diego had so much fun on the slides. I did get a lot of pictures but Dylan was so fascinated by the grass he hardly ever looked up at the camera. Diego of course ran away and wouldn’t sit still long enough to for a family pic, but finally I did get some good ones of us.
First here are some pics of Diego’s first time at the pumpkin patch, totally opposite from Dylan.

That pretty much sums up his experience, but then again he was only 3 months old.
This was my attempt of getting a nice of pic of the boys together, believe met I took about a million and these were the best.
Aren't they just adorable?
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