Finally, we did it. We took Dylan for his first haircut. It only took us almost 3 years of tangles, bed head, and beautiful curls. His hair was so long. It was past his shoulders, to the middle of the back. He hated having his hair brushed. He would cry the whole time. I tried tangle free shampoos and sprays, but his poor hair would be super tangled and hard to brush. Plus Daddy was pretty tired of everyone thinking he was a little girl. On New Years Eve we headed to Cool Cuts 4 Kids, where Diego also got his first haircut. We were totally expecting Dylan to cry, fight and kick his way out the place. He didn't. He sat in his little car and watched Dora and Diego. He wasn't happy, but he didn't shed one tear or fight with the girl cutting his hair. I of course took millions of pictures and recorded some on my phone. He was happy to get his sucker at the end when he was all done.

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