It seems like everyone I know is having baby lately, which is a good thing for me. My friends have kind enought to allow me to not only practice my skills but document these beautiful moments. My friend just had her sweet Baby Vella, the only girl in a family with 3 boys. I love these pics with Mommy and Baby, because these were completely candid. You see Vella was not a cooperative little girl, and was awake most of the time, so most of these Mommy is just trying to soothe and love on Baby. I really didn't realize what I had until I uploaded them. I realize that THIS is the type of photography I want to do, no poses (as much as possible) just REAL moments.
Actually I would like to have those beautiful posed pictures of BABIES all tucked into little balls, sleeping, and oh so cute. My two newborn sessions so far I have not had that type of baby, maybe its a little girl thing.

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One Response to “Sweet Baby”
I saw the link to your site on a comment you left at I heart faces and I had to check it out. You got some really great candid shots of this sweet baby girl. I'm sure these pictures will be a treasure for her family. Thanks for showing me the value of candid shots. I'll definitely take more of them, especially when doing baby shoots. You can check out my photography blog if you want. I just recently started my business and would love to hear what you think. Thanks!
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