A couple of weekends ago we took Diego to see How to Train a Dragon. This was Diego's very first time at the movie theater, so he was really excited, and I was really nervous. We dropped off Dylan at my sisters house and brought my niece and nephew along. Diego always has a awesome time with them. He LOVED the movie! He has a obsession with dragons right now too. He did really well, except for every once in a while talking a little to loudly. Towards the end he did get a little restless and we had to take him out of the theater for a moment. Fortunately, this was a kid movie, and there were many kids just like him, and I didn't get any rude remarks or "SHHHS". This was a little test, since I really want to take him to see Toy Story 3 this summer. Now I know he can be well behaved and we can have a great quality time with our Little Man.
He totally was digging his little snack pack
I don't know what happened here, but I love the outcome
I was trying to not be the annoying lady taking pictures, so I turned off my flash. Most of pics all look grainy like this.

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