Dear Diego,
Four!! Can you believe it? These last four years have been the best years of my life. You have brought us such joy and peace. You are such a independent, loving, kind, silly, intelligent boy. I enjoy seeing the world through your little eyes. You have taught Mommy and Daddy to slow down and relax and enjoy the ride. We are very proud of the little man you are becoming. You are still as sweet as ever. You love to cuddle, kiss, and twirl my hair in your little fingers. You have the cutest little dimples and chubby little cheeks.
You are such a smart boy! You know a little about everything. I' am often surprised with the things you say. You love to learn, explore and read. You also have an awesome memory. You can recall trips and random things we did a few years ago and even things you heard in passing. You are definitely detail oriented and inquisitive. You also tend to talk my ear off or anyone that would give you the time. Your vocabulary is extensive for a four year old boy. You often catch people off guard with your conversations and knowledge.
You have a very active imagination. You pretend to have picnics and campouts in the living room. You jump from couch to couch pretending to be Batman and Robin. You like to build imaginary things with your tools, or solve a mystery like Scooby Doo.
Every day you are becoming more independent. I hate to let you go, but I love to watch you be the big boy you want to be.
I love you Diego. To the Moon and back!

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