Three and a half years ago today, my first baby boy was born and brought me so much happiness. I really can't believe how fast time has gone. Pretty soon I will be sending him off to kindergarten. In the mean time, I will love and cherish every moment I have of my toddler.
I'am totally loving Diego at this age. He is becoming more and more independent, strong, intelligent, genuinely sweet boy. He is such a sponge and soaks up all this information that he randomly spits outs at any moment. He can be a little smarty pants at times, but it's annoyingly cute.
He loves to tell jokes that do not make any sense, and laughs uncontrollably as he slaps his forehead. He loves to laugh and play with his cousins.
He refuses to go to school, and says he doesn't need more friends.
He questions everything.
He loves his baby brother, and has finally started calling him by his name 50% of the time instead of "Baby". Diego knows his numbers and alphabet, and even speaks a little Spanish.Diego's Favorite Things:
Dinosaurs- he LOVEs dinosaurs. He always has, but lately it's to the extreme. He loves to watch Dino Dan on Nick Jr. He can tell you names of dinosaurs and if they are carnivores or herbivores. He enjoys sitting down with his dinosaurs figurines and dinosaur book and finish his "projec".
Batman and Robin- a new little obsession
Taking pictures with his camera
Diego loves music and loves to dance, he always has.
Favorite Shows:
Of course all the usuals: Ni Hao, Max and Ruby, Dora and Diego, etc. He also love The Flinstones, The Jetsons, Johnny Quest. He is OBSESSED with Scooby Doo, Batman, and Dino Dan.
Favorite Food:
He is my picky eater, I'am lucky if I can get him to eat. He loves pizza, pastas, chicken nuggets, fries, fruits, sandwiches, peanuts, peanutbutter, crackers, corn dogs.
Favorite Color:
He can be a little stubborn. He is also is a little obsessive compulsive when it comes to getting dirty, he wants to change his clothes right away.
Mommy loves you little man! Thanks for the entertainment these three and a half years, and the best is yet to come.

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