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It has been a crazy summer with work, school, and family life, and the blog was a bit neglected. I'am back! Here are few posts to keep you busy! And more to come soon, I promise. Yes, I do realize, Diego's birthday post is two months late.
Goodbye Summer
My Baby Brother
Happy Birthday!
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This summer has flown by, but I can't wait for fall. Most of the summer we spent indoors due to the heat. Of course we always made time for a little quality outdoor time, to burn off some steam.
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Diego's Third Birthday was pretty low key this year. I took the day off and Diego spent the day with me just hanging out. I took him to see my coworkers, who held him his first few hours of life, and was he spoiled and showered with love. I also took him to pick out his own birthday gift. So never again, will I do that. He was so indecisive, and I don't know how long it took us before we left the store. Later that night we invited the cousins over and celebrated with a Diego favorite, Scooby Doo birthday cake.
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My baby boy,
I can't believe you are finally three! I'am such a lucky lady to have you in my life. Never did I think time will fly so fast, and my little chubby newborn would now be 3. I love you more than words can say, more than the millions of hugs and kisses I give you.
You are truly the sweetest little boy ever. I like to tell everyone you will make a WONDERFUL husband some day. I LOVE how you give me kisses on my arms, and when you ask for a hug and a kiss before I leave for work. I LOVE how you lay in bed with me and twirl my hair in your little fingers. My heart melts when you say "you so preety Momma". I especially love when you ask "baby is so cute, can we keep him" about your little brother. You are such a kind, loving boy, and I love you more and more for it.
You are no longer my little baby. Everyday you seek more independence. You rather not hold my hand when we are walking. You want to dress yourself without our help. You like to climb into the car on your own and buckle your carseat. Some nights you don't even ask for any toys or stuffed animals when it's bedtime, you say "I'm fine Mom, I don't need toys". It amazes me how much you have changed.
Your also an intelligent boy. You know and talk about, dinosaurs, and alligators, robots, and bunnies, the sky, the sun, and the clouds. You totally crack us up when you have new phrases and words. You love to count and read. You love to color and paint, and especially love Iphone games. You are inquisitive, charming, and imaginative. You love to pretend to build stuff, drive your Batmobile and go to work. You love being silly and knock knock jokes.
I can't wait to see all the new changes and things you will learn this year. I love you Little Man! To the moon and back!
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