I am really late on this post but I have been way busy, but tonight Im finally going to update Dylan's new milestones.
Finally my baby boy has taken his first steps! He still is very scared hesitant to walk on his own, but we make him at least try. He loves to try to stand up and balance himself on the our bed. Of course, consider the unsteadiness of a mattress it doesn't last very long. Every day we make him "practice" his walking, we are just waiting for the day where he does it on his own.
Besides attempting to walk, he is also trying to climb down our bed. Our bed is pretty high off the ground, and this crazy kid takes on the task of conquering, and it is hilarious to watch. He pretty much is into everything now. If I leave a drawer of his dresser open he will take out all the clothes and make a huge mess. He takes out the all the toys from the toy box, and empties my purse when he can. He tends to bother his big brother a lot but also loves to be near him as much Diego allows.
He is still a BIG eater! He loves to eat, anything and everything. He now weights 22 lbs, but is a tall boy. He is 32 inches long! I believe big brother was 37 inches at his 2 year checkup, so it seems Dylan might catch up to him. They take after Daddy in the height department. He has all four top front teeth in now, and his two bottom teeth.
Technically this Easter was Dylan's second Easter, but since he was only a month old last year, I don't think it really counts. He enjoyed being passed around to anyone willing to hold and cuddle with him. He loved the candy, his Easter treats, and the confetti eggs.

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