I'm so excited to be a part of a blog circle through Clickin Moms. This month the theme is The Way I View Back to School. I will admit I was a slacker the last few weeks with my boy starting kinder and his first year of soccer and numerous other demands. I don't think I took very many personal pictures, or for our theme. I do however have Diego's first day of school pics that I have yet to share on this blog. Lets just say the first few weeks of school were very rough for ME. I was an emotional wreck having to drop off my first born at school. Every crazy scenario that could happen popped into my head. I was a mess. Diego on the other hand, loves school. Every day he is eager to get up and go. So now 6 weeks later, that anxiety is no longer at high alert like it was.
Please ignore the fact that some of these images are out of focus. It was kind of hard to take a GOOD picture when I was holding back tears and trying not to hyperventilate.
Head on over to see how Kimberly views Back to School!

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5 Responses to “The Way I View | Back to School”
I love that you have done a series over the first few days, what a wonderful thing to have for your handsome little guy. Great photos :)
What a handsome little guy you've got there!! Happy to hear y'all are setting in to school :)
They grow up so fast, and it's hard on us mommies to let go sometimes. Glad to hear it's getting easier, love it that you got a series of photos from his first days of school!
Great photos! You are so brave as I'm sure those first few days were so hard :( I love that you took several photos during that first week of school...great idea!
ha ha ha... will you continue to take one daily?
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