I seriously can't even begin to explain how much I love you! Three years ago you unexpectedly made your grand appearance, you were ready for the world. You have been such a little blessing to our family. These last three years you have been joyous and eventful! You have come a long way from that little 6 pound preemie baby we brought home. I love you, more than words can say.
You are becoming more independent every day. You like to be able to walk on your own without holding my hand or sit in the stroller. You want to buckle your own seat belt and take off your own shoes. You are finally potty trained! Every passing day I see you becoming my big boy.
You are probably the smartest little dude I know. You have known your alphabet and numbers from an early age. You love to learn, read, explore and use your imagination. You are inquisitive and talkative.
Big Brother Diego is your best friend. You look up to him and want to do everything he does. You definitely miss him when he is not home. I love the relationship you guys have.
You finally got your first haircut! It only took us 3 years to do it! You definitely hate having your hair brushed, but you love your hair.
You can be quite a handful. You have your own mind, and you definitely let us know that. You tend to be serious, but the silliness in you always sneaks out. You are the adventurous boy, sometimes even the rebellious one. You also are a little dramatic and can throw quite a tantrum.
You are the sweetest, cutest, cuddliest little love. You love your Mommy and Daddy. You love to snuggle with us and sleep in our bed.
You love to watch Scooby Doo, Dora and Diego, Adventure Time, Thomas the Train and lots more.
Your favorite toys are your play kitchen, Nintendo DS, Scooby Doo figurines, trains, Batman toys, Super Mario brothers plush dolls, cars, trains.
You pretty much love all your toys.
I love you little man, to the moon and back!

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One Response to “Dylan is Three!”
happy birthday sweet boy! :)
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