A month or so ago we decided it was time to start potty training. Diego showed signs he was ready, I was ready, we were all ready to be done with the diapers. In true Diego fashion, he was as stubborn as ever and refused to wear underwear. He wanted his diapers and nothing else. Eventually he gave in to underwear, but he still fought every time. I thought our preparation of reading books, and watching videos before we even started potty training would help, but he just did not care. It was pretty rough, he would never tell me he had to go, he fought me when I would sit him on the potty, and he didn't care about rewards or treats. I don't know how many pairs of underwear we went through in one day. Finally, he started to cooperate and sit on the potty and use it, It might have been the stickers and chart. I think he realized it was not going away and he better just do it. . He still doesn't like to tell me he has to go, but now he will when I take him. He loves to flush the toilet, and wash his hands. One day he starts to scream " i gotta potty, i gotta potty!" So I run and grab him and sit him on the potty, and he trying to go but says "it won't come out". I asked if he has to poop or pee and he says pee. I had the feeling he had to go poop, so I adjust him on the seat and I realize he WAS going number two! The first time since we started potty training. I really was so happy and when he saw how happy I was, he was too. He ran told Daddy and we called Aunt Amy and Grandpa. He had a huge smile the whole night. I think that was our turning point. Then one week, he decided he wanted to use the potty "like Daddy" in other words standing up. It was the cutest thing! Now that's the only way he will go. He loves to pick out his own underwear every morning, and ask for new underwear every time we go to the store. We have only had two accidents while out and about, but pretty much he stays dry. Next we will try sleeping with underwear instead of a diaper.

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