At the beginning of the year, I think we were all nervously anticipating my niece's 18th birthday and her high school graduation. It's both exciting and sad, when you see the little girl you love so much, grow up into a young woman. My niece is actually more like my sister, and I loved every minute of these last 18 years.
It was such an exciting and long awaited day. I don't know if she realizes how proud of her we are.
Prom Night 2010
A month ago, I had the honor of taking pics of her on Prom Night.
I titled this picture her dancing shoes, she did inform me the next day, these were not "dancing shoes" and killed her feet. Beauty is pain.
My absolute favorite picture: I love me some Jersey Shore, so as soon as the DJ played David Guetta's song "Sexy Chick" everyone started fist pumping just for me. I'm glad I captured this. Her Grad party was a two day celebration, she was on top of the world.
After the fist pumping...
I think it just hit her, she is now an adult.
I know your future is bright, and you will accomplish great things. You will always have your family, no longer holding your hand, but walking along side you. I know I say this all the time, but 18 years ago I was upset when you were born and you were not a boy. Now, I can't imagine not having you in my life, I love you baby girl. To the Moon and back.

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2 Responses to “Class of 2010”
Laurie your awesome. This is so very sweet & quite a tear jerker. I know you never say much but this says it all sis....thank you for being there for Nena. love ya sis!
sweet pictures you took of your niece! :) Enjoy your blog!
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