In a nutshell... was pretty fantastic! Making memories, continuing traditions, and last but not least watching my babies grow into big boys.

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In a nutshell... was pretty fantastic! Making memories, continuing traditions, and last but not least watching my babies grow into big boys.
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I do not have very many pictures from Halloween, but I still wanted to share images of the boys and their costumes. I had it in my mind for years now that I wanted to make a Nacho Libre costume for Diego. Sadly, my costume ideas for Diego never happen. Diego decided early on that he wanted to be a Ninja, only after he saw the swords and other ninja accessories at Target. I was having a conversation about the Nacho Libre costume and showed her some pictures of various DIY versions. She convinced me that WE should make Dylan a Nacho Libre costume. First let me say, we are somewhat crafty, I mean my sister makes bows and girlie things, but none of us own a sewing machine. So we had come up with something that required little to no sewing. I wish I would have taken pictures of the process but I didn’t.
Most of these pics are really grainy and out of focus but I’am posting them anyway. This was the first year Dylan GOT Halloween. The last 2 years he was pushed in the stroller, but this year he was all about running around to each house. After about a block or two both Diego and Dylan were tired and were ready to call it a night.
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